domingo, dezembro 12, 2004

Links para alguns livros de Matemática

1. (with X.T. Duong) Elementary Mathematics, 148 pp. (web edition, 2000).

2. First Year Mathematics, 365 pp. (web edition, 2003).

3. Discrete Mathematics, 193 pp. (web edition, 2003).

4. Linear Algebra, 71 pp. (web edition, 2003).

5. Multivariable and Vector Analysis,158 pp. (web edition, 2003).

6. Introduction to Complex Analysis, 167 pp. (web edition, 2003).

7. Fundamentals of Analysis, 100 pp. (web edition, 2003).

8. Linear Functional Analysis, 86 pp. (web edition, 2003).

9. Introduction to Lebesgue Integration, 77 pp. (web edition, 2003).

10. Elementary Number Theory, 69 pp. (web edition, 2003).

11. Distribution of Prime Numbers, 81 pp. (web edition, 2003).

12. Lectures on Irregularities of Point Distribution, 63 pp. (web edition, 2000).

1 Comentário(s):

Em 22/1/07 19:20, Anonymous Anônimo escreveu ...

muito bom esse post!


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